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Title: 40 Seconds (International Death Note Anthology)
Size: A5
Page Number: 300
Price:$17 / €12
Date: Coming soon!
Language: English

This book is for 18+ only.

40 Seconds is an international Death Note Anthology containing fanfiction, comics and illustrations from artists and writers all over the world.

Death Note and its characters belong to their respective copyright holders and we do not make a profit from this book. This is merely a fan creation. ^^


Zeda | Character/Pairing: MelloxNear, MattxMello, MattxNear, LxMello | Illustration + Cover

Jenwryn | Character/Pairing: MattxMello, MattxNear, LxMello | Fanfic

catmoongirl | Character/Pairing: MattxMello | Fanfic

Miyamashi | Character/Pairing: MattxMello | Illustration

Frulili | Character/Pairing: MelloxNear | Illustration

esanany | Character/Pairing: MelloxNear, MelloxMatt | Illustration

Chokomagedon | Character/Pairing: MattxMello, Halle | Illustration + Fanfic

Cintia Elric | Character/Pairing: MelloxNear | Doujin

Rubbersoul | Character/Pairing: GevannixNear | Doujin

Jengou | Character/Pairing: MelloxMatt, RodxMello | Doujin writer

Blair | Character/Pairing: MelloxMatt, RodxMello | Doujin artist

Viola Canina | Character/Pairing: TeruxKiyomi | Doujin

Striped Tabby | Character/Pairing: MattxMello | Illustration

Tribute | Character/Pairing: MelloxNear, TakadaxMisa | Illustration + Cover

爱娃 (Aiwa) | Character/Pairing: Mello, Near | Doujin

Chise Lawliet | Character/Pairing: LightxL | Illustration + Fanfic

Hangdok | Character/Pairing: MelloxNear | Doujin

Gabri-L | Character/Pairing: LindaxNear, NaomixL | Illustration

Woodsgal | Character/Pairing: LightxL, Misa | Fanfic

Misandrie | Character/Pairing: MattxMello | Illustration + Fanfic

MRS Jeevas | Character/Pairing: MelloxMatt | Doujin + Fanfic

Spoiled-kitten | Character/Pairing: MelloxMatt | Illustration + Doujin

Heather & TG | Character/Pairing: MelloxMatt, Halle, Near | Illustration + Fanfic

Seiko Assasin | Character/Pairing: Gevanni, Matt, Mello, Near | Illustration

Kimmie | Character/Pairing: MelloxNear | Illustration + Fanfic

Akane/AI Project | Character/Pairing: MelloxNear | Doujin + Illustration

Astizya | Character/Pairing: MelloxNear | Fanfic

☂ illy | Character/Pairing: MelloxNear | Illustration

MewMewIchigoShana | Character/Pairing: MelloxNear, Misa | Illustration

Necrohamster | Character/Pairing: L, Naomi, BB | Illustration

Melissa | Character/Pairing: MattxMello | Doujin

Jenn | Character/Pairing: MattxMello | Doujin

Tenser | Character/Pairing: BxMello | Doujin

Kazutaka-kun/Sanni | Character/Pairing: LxLight | Doujin

Coming soon!


Link to - http://yesterdayandtoday.org/40/
Please use the image urls below. Thank you.

IMG: http://www.blk-kitti.com/image/links/L-40sec.gif

IMG: http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu83/teacupnight/banner.gif

IMG: http://i636.photobucket.com/albums/uu83/teacupnight/banner1.gif


Livejournal community



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